Rabu, 28 April 2010

nurtured a sense of confidence,

created madness

and feel the sensation

then you will feel the pleasure of it all

The best performance is where you can put yourself in the most comfortable position.to be honest than to wear a dress and heels, I am more comfortable if you must wear shirts and flat shoes. but that does not mean I could not love fashionI usually combine some elements of accessories such as hats or jewelry ...T-shirt lovers do not hesitate to be stylish ...

g girl!!!!!

in  a fashion not  need to be beautiful, should not have much money, and do not need school  to learn.because it takes really is a  sensitivity to trends and ways to develop it. confident also necessary, because for me confident is the main base of  capital in loving fashion. to be honest I  was amazed at a lady Gaga, because he can put she how to express  themselves in style.
therefore  raised the trust you because it is neededto be able to express what is in your heart .....come on friends!

Sabtu, 17 April 2010

besides in my blog I will share about how to style and photography without the cost more, I will also fill in my blog about a story about my love of fashion illustration


hello ..... fashion and photography lovers
thanks for the second blog I've seen.
I actually also wonder why I never tired to make a blog
may be because I love writing hehehehehe .....