Sabtu, 27 November 2010

my first experience as the newbie

This is the result of my first experience, as a model and photographer. by using my first  DSLR camera, which I bought that with my pocket for a month.
with the help of my friends fero. thank you so much for her becausehelped me. as feeling accepted the love, I promise her photos will I share it on my blog in the next post.

2 komentar:

ratua mengatakan...

Cool pics, you have a very great original style! It's awesome! I have a fashion blog as well, but I haven't take any other pictures of me because of my school assignments, would you check it out?

shintya Mcmundunk mengatakan...

thanks a lot for Ratu Annisa,

ok!!!I definitely will see your blog

stay care yah ^_^